Place | Vienna |
Conclusion | 14/03/1975 |
Accession | 23/03/1984 |
The States Parties to the present Convention,
Recognizing the increasingly important role of multilateral diplomacy in relations between States and the responsibilities of the United Nations, its specialized agencies and other international organizations of a universal character within the international community,
Having in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of friendly relations and co-operation among States
Recalling the work of codification and progressive development of international law applicable to bilateral relations between States which was achieved by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 f "the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963t and the Convention on Special Missions of 1969»
Believing that an international convention on the representation of States in their relations with international organizations of a universal character would contribute to the promotion of friendly relations and co-operation among States, irrespective of their political, economic and social systems, the provisions of Article 105 °f ^e Charter of the United Nations,
Recognizing that the purpose of privileges and immunities contained in the present Convention is not to benefit individuals but to ensure the efficient performance of their functions in connexion with organizations and conferences,
Taking account of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 1946, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of 1947 and other agreements in force between States and between States and international organizations,
Affirming that the rules of customary international law continue to govern questions not expressly regulated by the provisions of the present Convention,
Have agreed as follows:-
Article 1
Use of terms
1. For the purposes of the present Convention:
(1) "international organization" means an intergovernmental organization;
(2) "international organization of a universal character" means the United Nations, its specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and any similar organization whose membership and responsibilities are on a world-wide scale;
(3) "Organization" means the international organization in question;
(4) "organ" means:
(a) any principal or subsidiary organ of an international organization, or
(b) any commission, committee or sub-group of any such organ, in which States are members;
(5) "conference" means a conference of States convened by or under the auspices of an international organization;
(6) "mission" means, as the case may be, the permanent mission or the permanent observer mission;
(7) "permanent mission" means a mission of permanent character, representing the State, sent by a State member of an international organization to the Organization;
(8) "permanent observer mission" means a mission of permanent character, representing the State, sent to an international organization by a State not a member of the Organization;
(9) "delegation" means, as the case may be, the delegation to an organ or the delegation to a conference;
(10) "delegation to an organ" means the delegation sent by a State to participate on its behalf in the proceedings of the organ;
(11) "delegation to a conference" means the delegation sent by a State to participate on its behalf in the conference;
(12) "observer delegation" means, as the case may be, the observer delegation to an organ or the observer delegation to a conference;
(13) "observer delegation to an organ" means the delegation sent by a State to participate on its behalf as an observer in the proceedings of the organ;
(14) "observer delegation to a conference" means the delegation sent by a State to participate on its behalf as an observer in the proceedings of the conference;
(15) "host State" means the State in whose territory:
(a) the Organization has its seat or an office, or
(b) a meeting of an organ or a conference is held;
(16) "sending State" means the State which sends:
(a) a mission to the Organization at its seat or to an office of the Organization, or
(b) a delegation to an organ or a delegation to a conference, or
(c) an observer delegation to an organ or an observer delegation to a conference;
(17) "head of mission" means, as the case may be, the permanent representative or the permanent observer;
(18) "permanent representative" means the person charged by the sending State with the duty of acting as the head of the permanent mission;
(19) "permanent observer" means the person charged by the sending State with the duty of acting as the head of the permanent observer mission;
(20) "members of the mission" means the head of mission and the members of the staff;
(21) "head of delegation" means the delegate charged by the sending State with the duty of acting in that capacity;
(22) "delegate" means any person designated by a State to participate as its representative in the proceedings of an organ or in a conference;
(23) "members of the delegation" means the delegates and the members of the staff;
(24) "head of the observer delegation" means the observer delegate charged by the sending State with the duty of acting in that capacity;
(25) "observer delegate" means any person designated by a State to attend as an observer the proceedings of an organ or of a conference;
(26) "members of the observer delegation" means the observer delegates and the
members of the staff;
(27) "members of the staff" means the members of the diplomatic staff, the administrative and technical staff and the service staff of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation;
(28) "members of the diplomatic staff" means the members of the staff of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation who enjoy diplomatic status for the purpose of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation;
(29) "members of the administrative and technical staff" means the members of the staff employed in the administrative and technical service of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation;
(30) "members of the service staff" means the members of the staff employed by the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation as household workers or for similar tasks;
(31) "private staff" means persons employed exclusively in the private service of the members of the mission or the delegation:
(32) "premises of the mission" means the buildings or parts of buildings and the land ancillary thereto, irrespective of ownership, used for the purpose of the mission, including the residence of the head of mission;
(33) "premises of the delegation" means the buildings or parts of buildings, irrespective of ownership, used solely as the offices of the delegation;
(34) "rules of the Organization" means, in particular, the constituent instruments, relevant decisions and resolutions, and established practice of the Organization.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article regarding the use of terms i rt or export of which is prohibited by the law or controlled by the quarantine regulations of the host State. In such cases, inspection shall be conducted only in the presence of the person enjoying the exemption or of his authorized representative.
Article 36
Privileges and immunities of other persons
1. The members of the family of the head of mission forming part of his household and the members of the family of a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission forming part of his household shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 and in paragraphs l (b) and 2 of article 35.
2. Members of the administrative and technical staff of the mission, together with members of their families forming part of their respective households who are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, shall enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 28, 29, 30, 32, 33 and 34, except that the immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction of the host State specified in paragraph 1 of article 30 shall not extend to acts performed outside the course of their duties. They shall also enjoy the privileges specified in paragraph l (b) of article 35 in respect of articles imported at the time of first installation.
3. Members of the service staff of the mission who are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State shall enjoy immunity in respect of acts performed in the course of their duties, exemption from dues and taxes on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment and the exemption specified in article 32.
4. Private staff of members of the mission shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, be exempt from dues and taxes on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment. In other respects, they may enjoy privileges and immunities only to the extent admitted by the host State. However, the host State must exercise its jurisdiction over those persons in such a manner as not to interfere unduly with the performance of the functions of the mission,
Article 37
Nationals and permanent residents of the host State
1. Except in so far as additional privileges and immunities may be granted by the host State, the head of mission or any member of the diplomatic staff of the mission who is a national of or permanently resident in that State shall enjoy only immunity from jurisdiction and inviolability in respect of official acts performed in the exercise of his functions.
2. Other members of the staff of the mission who are nationals of or permanently resident in the host State shall enjoy only immunity from jurisdiction in respect of official acts performed in the exercise of their functions. In all other respects, those members, and persons on the private staff who are nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, shall enjoy privileges and immunities only to the extent admitted by the host State. However, the host State must exercise its jurisdiction over those members and persons in such a manner as not to interfere unduly with the performance of the functions of the mission.
Article 38
Duration of privileges and immunities
1. Every person entitled to privileges and immunities shall enjoy them from the moment he enters the territory of the host State on proceeding to take up his post or, if already in its territory, from the moment when his appointment is notified to the host State by the Organization or by the sending State.
2. When the functions of a person enjoying privileges and immunities have come to an end, such privileges and immunities shall normally cease at the moment when he leaves the territory, or on the expiry of a reasonable period in which to do so. However, with respect to acts performed by such a person in the exercise of his functions as a member of the mission, immunity shall continue to subsist.
3. In the event of the death of a member of the mission, the members of his family shall continue to enjoy the privileges and immunities to which they are entitled until the expiry of a reasonable period in which to leave the territory.
4. In the event of the death of a member of the mission not a national of or permanently resident in the host State or of a member of his family forming part of his household, the host State shall permit the withdrawal' of the movable property of the deceased, with the exception of any property acquired in the territory the export of which was prohibited at the time of his death. Estate, succession and inheritance duties shall not be levied on movable property which is in the host State solely because of the presence there of the deceased as a member of the mission or of the family of a member of the mission.
Article 39
Professional or commercial activity
1. The head of mission and members of the diplomatic staff of the mission shall not practise for personal profit any professional or commercial activity in the host State.
2. Except in so far as such privileges and immunities may be granted by the host State, members of the administrative and technical staff and persons forming part of the household of a member of the mission shall not, when they practice a professional or commercial activity for personal profit, enjoy any privilege or immunity in respect of acts performed in the course of or in connexion with the practice of such activity.
Article 40
End of functions
The functions of the head of mission or of a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission shall come to an end, inter alia:
(a) on notification of their termination by the sending State to the Organization;
(b) if the mission is finally or temporarily recalled.
Article 41
Protection of premises, property and archives
1. When the mission is temporarily or finally recalled, the host State must respect and protect the premises, property and archives of the mission. The sending State must take all appropriate measures to terminate this special duty of the host State as soon as possible. It may entrust custody of the premises, property and archives of the mission to the Organization if it so agrees, or to a third State acceptable to the host State.
2. The host State, if requested by the sending State, shall grant the latter facilities for removing the property and-archives of the mission from the territory of the host State.
Article 42
Sending of delegations
1. A State may send a delegation to an organ or to a conference in accordance with the rules of the Organization.
2. Two or more States may send the same delegation to an organ or to a conference in accordance with the rules of the Organization.
Article 43
Appointment of the members of the delegation
Subject to the provisions of articles 46 and 73» the sending State may freely appoint the members of the delegation.
Article 44
Credentials of delegates
The credentials of the head of delegation and of other delegates shall be issued by the Head of State, by the Head of Government, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs or, if the rules of the Organization or the rules of procedure of the conference so permit, by another competent authority of the sending State. They shall be transmitted, as the case may be, to the Organization or to the conference.
Article 45
Composition of the delegation
In addition to the head of delegation, the delegation may include other delegates, diplomatic staff, administrative and technical staff and service staff.
Article 46
Size of the delegation
The size of the delegation shall not exceed what is reasonable and normal, having regard, as the case may be, to the functions of the organ or the object of the conference, as well as the needs of the particular delegation and the circumstances and conditions in the host State.
Article 47
1. The sending State shall notify the Organization or, as the case may be, the conference of:
(a) the composition of the delegation, including the position, title and order of precedence of the members of the delegation, and any subsequent changes therein;
(b) the arrival and final departure of members of the delegation and the termination of their functions with the delegation;
(c) the arrival and final departure of any person accompanying a member of the delegation;
(d) the beginning and the termination of the employment of persons resident in the host State as members of the staff of the delegation or as persons employed on the private staff;
(e) the location of the premises of the delegation and of the private accommodation enjoying inviolability under article 59» as well as any other information that may be necessary to identify such premises and accommodation.
2. Where possible, prior notification of arrival and final departure shall also be given.
3. The Organization or, as the case may be, the conference shall transmit to the host State the notifications referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article.
4. The sending State may also transmit to the host State the notifications referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article.
Article 48
Acting head of delegation
1. If the head of delegation is absent or unable to perform his functions, an acting head of delegation shall be designated from among the other delegates by the head of delegation or, in case he is unable to do so, by a competent authority of the sending State. The name of the acting head of delegation shall be notified, as the case may be, to the Organization or to the conference.
2. If a delegation does not have another delegate available to serve as acting head of delegation, another person may be designated for that purpose. In such case credentials must be issued and transmitted in accordance with article 44.
Article 49
Precedence among delegations shall be determined by the alphabetical order of the names of the States used in the Organization.
Article 50
Status of the Head of State and persons of high rank
1. The Head of State or any member of a collegial body performing the functions of Head of State under the constitution of the State concerned, when he leads the delegation, shall enjoy in the host State or in a third State, in addition to what is granted by the present Convention, the facilities, privileges and immunities accorded by international law to Heads of State.
2. The Head of Government, the Minister for Foreign Affairs or other person of high rank, when he leads or is a member of the delegation, shall enjoy in the host State or in a third State, in addition to what is granted by the present Convention, the facilities, privileges and immunities accorded by international law to such persons.
Article 51
General facilities
1. The host State shall accord to the delegation all necessary facilities for the performance of its tasks.
2. The Organization or, as the case may be, the conference shall assist the delegation in obtaining those facilities and shall accord to the delegation such facilities as lie within its own competence.
Article 52
Premises and accommodation
If so requested, the host State and, where necessary, the Organization or the conference shall assist the sending State in obtaining on reasonable terms premises necessary for the delegation and suitable accommodation for its members.
Article 53
Assistance in respect of privileges and immunities
1. The Organization or, as the case may be, the Organization and the conference shall, where necessary, assist the sending1 State, its delegation and the members of its delegation in securing the enjoyment of the privileges and immunities provided for under the-present Convention.
2. The Organization or, as the case may be, the Organization and the conference shall, where necessary, assist the host State in securing the "discharge of the obligations of the sending State, its delegation and the members of its delegation in respect of the privileges and immunities provided for under the present Convention.
Article 54
Exemption of the premises from taxation
1. The sending State or any member of the delegation acting on behalf of the delegation shall be exempt from all national, regional or municipal dues and taxes in respect of the premises of the delegation other than such as represent payment for specific services rendered.
2. The exemption from taxation referred to in this article shall not apply to such dues and taxes payable under the law of the host State by persons contracting with the sending State or with a member of the delegation.
Article 55
Inviolability of archives and documents
The archives and documents of the delegation shall be inviolable at al] times and wherever they may be.
Article 56
Freedom of movement
Subject to its laws and regulations concerning zones entry into which is prohibited or regulated for reasons of national security, the host State shall ensure to all members of the delegation such freedom of movement and travel in its territory as is necessary for the performance of the tasks of the delegation.
Article 57
Freedom of communication
1. The host State shall permit and protect free communication on the part of the delegation for all official purposes. In communicating with the Government of the sending State, its permanent diplomatic missions, consular posts, permanent missions, permanent observer missions, special missions, other delegations, and observer delegations, wherever situated, the delegation may employ all appropriate means, including couriers and messages in code or cipher. However, the delegation may install and use a wireless transmitter only with the consent of the host State.
2. The official correspondence of the delegation shall be inviolable. Official correspondence means all correspondence relating to the delegation and its tasks.
3. Where practicable, the delegation shall use the means of communication, including the bag and the courier, of the permanent diplomatic mission, of a consular post, of the permanent mission or of the permanent observer mission of the sending State.
4. The bag of the delegation shall not be opened or detained.
5. The packages constituting the bag of the delegation must bear visible external marks of their character and may contain only documents or articles intended for the official use of the delegation.
6. The courier of the delegation, who shall be provided with an official document indicating his status and the number of packages constituting the bag, shall be protected by the host State in the performance of his functions. He shall enjoy personal inviolability and shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention.
7. The sending State or the delegation may designate couriers ad hoc of the delegation. In such cases the provisions of paragraph 6 of this article shall also apply, except that the immunities therein mentioned shall cease to apply when the courier ad hoc has delivered to the consignee the delegation's bag in his charge.
8. The bag of the delegation may be entrusted to the captain of a ship or of a commercial aircraft scheduled to land at an authorized port of entry. He shall be provided with an official document indicating the number of packages constituting the bag, but he shall not be considered to be a courier of the delegation. By arrangement with the appropriate authorities of the host State, the delegation may send one of its members to take possession of the bag directly and freely from the captain of the ship or of the aircraft.
Article 58
Personal inviolability
The persons of the head of delegation and of other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall be inviolable. They shall not be liable inter alia to any form of arrest or detention. The host State shall treat them with due respect and shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on their persons, freedom or dignity and to prosecute and punish persons who have committed such attacks.
Article 59
Inviolability of private accommodation and property
1. The private accommodation of the head of delegation and of other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall enjoy inviolability and protection.
2. The papers, correspondence and, except as provided in paragraph 2 of article 60, the property of the head of delegation and of other delegates or members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall also enjoy inviolability.
Article 60
Immunity from .jurisdiction
1. The head of delegation and other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the host State, and immunity from its civil and administrative jurisdiction in respect of all acts performed in the exercise of their official functions.
2. No measures of execution may be taken in respect of such persons unless they can be taken without infringing their rights under articles 58 and 59-
3. Such persons are not obliged to give evidence as witnesses.
4. Nothing in this article shall exempt such persons from the civil and administrative jurisdiction of the host State in relation to an action for damages arising from an accident caused by a vehicle, vessel or aircraft, used or owned by the persons in question, where those damages are not recoverable from insurance.
5. Any immunity of such persons from the jurisdiction of the host State does not exempt them from the jurisdiction of the sending State.
Article 6l
Waiver of immunity
1. The immunity from jurisdiction of the head of delegation and of other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation and of persons enjoying immunity under article 66 may be waived by the sending State.
2. Waiver must always be express.
3. The initiation of proceedings by any of the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall preclude him from invoking immunity from jurisdiction in respect of any counter-claim directly connected with the principal claim.
4. Waiver of immunity from jurisdiction in respect of civil or administrative proceedings shall not be held to imply waiver of immunity in respect of the execution of the judgement, for which a separate waiver shall be necessary.
5. If the sending State does not waive the immunity of any of the persons mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article in respect of a civil action, it shall use its best endeavours to bring about a just settlement of the case.
Article 62
Exemption from social security legislation
1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article, the head of delegation and other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall with respect to services rendered for the sending State be exempt from social security provisions which may be in force in the host State.
2. The exemption provided for in paragraph 1 of this article shall also apply to persons who are in the sole private employ of the head of delegation or of any other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation, on condition:
(a) that such employed persons are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State; and
(b) that they are covered by the social security provisions which may be' in force in the sending State or a third State.
3. The head of delegation and other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation who employ persons to whom the exemption provided for in paragraph 2 of this article, does not apply shall observe the obligations which the social security provisions of the host State impose upon employers.
4- The exemption provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article shall not preclude voluntary participation in the social security system of the host State provided that such participation is permitted by that State.
5. The provisions of this article shall not affect "bilateral or multilateral agreements concerning social security concluded previously and shall not prevent the conclusion of such agreements in the future.
Article 63
Exemption from dues and taxes
The head of delegation and other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall be exempt, to the extent practicable, from all dues and taxes, personal or real, national, regional or municipal, except:
(a) indirect taxes of a kind which are normally incorporated in the price of goods or services;
(b) dues and taxes on private immovable property situated in the territory of the host State, unless the person concerned holds it on behalf of the sending State for the purposes of the delegation;
(c) estate, succession or inheritance duties levied by the host State, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4 of article 68;
(d) dues and taxes on private income having its source in the host State and capital taxes on investments made in commercial undertakings in the host State;
(e) charges levied for specific services rendered;
(f) registration, court or record fees, mortgage dues and stamp duty, with respect to immovable property, subject to the provisions of article 54.
Article 64
Exemption from personal services
The host State shall exempt the head of delegation and other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation from all personal services, from all public service of any kind whatsoever, and from military obligations such as those connected with requisitioning, military contributions and billeting.
Article 65
Exemption from customs duties and inspection
1. The host 'State shall, in accordance with such laws and regulations as it may adopt, permit entry of and grant exemption from all customs duties, taxes and related charges other than charges for storage, cartage and similar services, on:
(a) articles for the official use of the delegation;
(b) articles for the personal use of the head of delegation or any other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation, imported in his personal baggage at the time of his first entry into the territory of the host State to attend the meeting of the organ or conference.
2. The personal baggage of the head of delegation or any other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall be exempt from inspection, unless there are serious grounds for presuming that it contains articles not covered by the exemptions mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article, or articles the import or export of which .is prohibited by the law or controlled by the quarantine regulations of the host State. In such cases, inspection shall be conducted only in the presence of the person enjoying the exemption or of his authorized representative.
Article 66
Privileges and immunities of other persons
1. The members of the family of the head of delegation who accompany him and the members of the family of any other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation who accompany him shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 58, 60 and 64 and in paragraphs l (b) and 2 of article 65 and exemption from aliens registration obligations.
2. Members of the administrative and technical staff of the delegation shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 58, 59, 60, 62, 63 and 64. They shall also enjoy the privileges specified in paragraph l(b) of article 65 in respect of articles imported in their personal baggage at the time of their first entry into the territory of the-host State for the purpose of attending the meeting of the organ or conference. Members of the family of a member of the administrative and technical staff who accompany him shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, enjoy the privileges and immunities specified in articles 58, 60 and 64 and in paragraph l (b) of article 65 to the extent accorded to such a member of the staff.
3. Members of the service staff of the delegation who are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State shall enjoy the same immunity in respect of acts performed, in the course of their duties as is accorded to members of the administrative and technical staff of the delegation, exemption from dues and taxes on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment and the exemption specified in article 62.
4. Private staff of members of the delegation shall, if they are not nationals of or permanently resident in the host State, be exempt from dues and taxes on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment. In other respects, they may enjoy privileges and immunities only to the extent admitted by the host State. However, the host State must exercise its jurisdiction over those persons in such a manner as not to interfere unduly with the performance of the tasks of the delegation.
Article 67
Nationals and permanent residents of the host State
1. Except in so far as additional privileges and immunities may be granted by the host State the head of delegation or any other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation who is a national of or permanently resident in that State shall enjoy only immunity from jurisdiction and inviolability in respect of official acts performed in the exercise of his functions.
2. Other members of the staff of the delegation and persons on the private staff who are nationals of or permanently resident in the host State shall enjoy privileges and immunities only to the extent admitted by the host State. However, the host State must exercise its jurisdiction over those members and persons in such a manner as not to interfere unduly with the performance of the tasks of the delegation.
Article 68
Duration of privileges and immunities
1. Every person entitled to privileges and immunities shall enjoy them from the moment he enters the territory of the host State for the purpose of attending the meeting of an organ or conference or, if already in its territory, from the moment when his appointment is notified to the host State by the Organization, by the conference or by the sending State.
2. When the functions of a person enjoying privileges and immunities have come to an end, such privileges and immunities shall normally cease at the moment when he leaves the territory, or on the expiry of a reasonable period in which to do so. However, with respect to acts performed by such a person in the exercise of his functions as a member of the delegation, immunity shall continue to subsist.
3. In the event of the death of a member of the delegation, the members of his family shall continue to enjoy the privileges and immunities to which they are entitled until the expiry of a reasonable period in which to leave the territory.
4. In the event of the death of a member of the delegation not a national of or permanently resident in the host State or of a member of his family accompanying him, the host State shall permit the withdrawal of the movable property of the deceased, with the exception of any property acquired in the territory the export of which was prohibited at the time of his death. Estate, succession and inheritance duties shall not be levied on movable property which is in the host State solely because of the presence there of the deceased as a member of the delegation or of the family of a member of the delegation.
Article 69
End of functions
The functions of the head of delegation or of any other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation shall come to an end, inter alia:
(a) on notification of their termination by the sending State to the Organization or the conference;
(b) upon the conclusion of the meeting of the organ or the conference.
Article 70
Protection of premises, property and archives
1. When the meeting of an organ or a conference comes to an end, the host State must respect and protect the premises of the delegation so long as they are used by it, as well as the property and archives of the delegation. The sending State must take all appropriate measures to terminate this special- duty of the host State as soon as possible.
2. The host State, if requested by the sending State, shall grant the latter facilities for removing the property and the archives of the delegation from the territory of the host State.
Article 71
Sending of observer delegations
A State may send an observer delegation to an organ or to a conference in accordance with the rules of the Organization.
Article 72
General provision concerning observer delegations
All the provisions of articles 43 to 70 of the present Convention shall apply to observer delegations.
Article 73
Nationality of the members of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation
1. The head -of mission and members of the diplomatic staff of the mission, the head of delegation, other delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the delegation, the head of the observer delegation, other observer delegates and members of the diplomatic staff of the observer delegation should in principle be of the nationality of the sending State.
2. The head of mission and members of the diplomatic staff of the mission may not be appointed from among persons having the nationality of the host State except with the consent of that State, which may be withdrawn at any time.
3. Where the head of delegation, any other delegate or any member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation or the head of the observer delegation, any other observer delegate or any member of the diplomatic staff of the observer delegation is appointed from among persons having the nationality of the host State, the consent of that State shall be assumed if it has been notified of such appointment of a national of the host State and has made no objection.
Article 74
Laws concerning acquisition of nationality
Members of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation not being nationals of the host State, and members of their families forming part of their household or, as the case may be, accompanying them, shall not, solely by the operation of the law of the host State, acquire the nationality of that State.
Article 75
Privileges and immunities in case of multiple functions
When members of the permanent diplomatic mission or of a consular post in the host State are included in a mission, a delegation or an observer delegation, they shall retain their privileges and immunities as members of their permanent diplomatic mission or consular post in addition to the privileges and immunities accorded by the present Convention.
Article 7б
Co-operation between sending States and host States
Whenever necessary and to the extent compatible with the independent exercise of the functions of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation, the sending State shall co-operate as full/ as possible with the host State in the conduct of any investigation or prosecution carried out pursuant to t}-e provisions of articles 23, 28, 29 and 58.
Article 77
Respect for the laws and regulations of the host State
1. Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the host State. They also have a duty not to interfere in the interna.1 affairs of that State.
2. In case of grave and manifest violation of the criminal law of the host State by a person enjoying immunity from jurisdiction, the sending State shall, unless it waives the immunity of the person concerned, recall him, terminate his functions with the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation or secure his departure, as appropriate. The sending State shall take the same action in case of grave and manifest interference in the internal affairs of the host State. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply in the case of any act that the person concerned performed in carrying out the functions of the mission or the tasks of the delegation or of the observer delegation.
3. The premises of the mission and the premises of the delegation shall not be used in any manner incompatible with the exercise of the function of the mission or the performance of the tasks of the delegation.
4. Nothing in this article shall be construed as prohibiting the host State from taking such measures as are necessary for its own protection. In that event the host State shall, without prejudice to articles 84 and 85, consult the sending State in an appropriate manner in order to ensure that such measures do not interfere with the normal functioning of the mission, the delegation or the observer delegation.
5. The measures provided for in paragraph 4 of this article shall be taken with the approval of the Minister for Foreign Affairs or of any other competent minister in conformity with the constitutional rules of the host State.
Article 78
Insurance against third party risks
The members of the mission, of the delegation or of the observer delegation shall comply with all obligations under the laws and regulations of the host State relating to third-party liability insurance for any vehicle, vessel or aircraft used or owned by them.
Article 79
Entry into the territory of the host State
1. The host State shall permit entry into its territory of:
(a) members of the mission and members of their families forming part of their respective households, and
(b) members of the delegation and members of their families accompanying them, and
(c) members of the observer delegation and members of their families accompanying them.
2. Visas, when required, shall be granted as promptly as possible to any person referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.
Article 80
Facilities for departure
The host State shall, if requested, grant facilities to enable persons enjoying privileges and immunities, other than nationals of the host State, and members of the families of such persons irrespective of their nationality, to leave its territory.
Article 81
Transit through the territory of a third State
1. If a head of mission or a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission, a head of delegation, other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation, a head of an observer delegation, other observer delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the observer delegation passes through or is in the territory of a third State which has granted him a passport visa if such visa was necessary, while proceeding to take up or to resume Jus functions, or when returning to his own country, the third State shall accord him inviolability and such other immunities as may be required to ensure his transit.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article shall also apply in the case of:
(a) members of the family of the head of mission or of a member of the diplomatic staff of the mission forming part of his household and enjoying privileges and immunities, whether travelling with him or travelling separately to join him or to return to their country;
(b) members of the family of the head of delegation, of any other delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the delegation who are accompanying him and enjoy privileges and immunities, whether travelling with him or travelling separately to join him or to return to their country;
(c) members of the family of the head of the observer delegation, of any other observer delegate or member of the diplomatic staff of the observer delegation, who are accompanying him and enjoy privileges and immunities, whether travelling with him or travelling separately to join him or to return to their country.
3. In circumstances similar to those specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, third States shall not hinder the passage of members of the administrative and technical or service staff, and of members of, their families, through their territories.
4. Third States shall accord to official correspondence and other official communications in transit, including messages in code or cipher, the same freedom and protection as the host State is bound to accord under the present Convention. They shall accord to the couriers of the mission, of the delegation or of the observer delegation, who have been granted a passport visa if such visa was necessary, and to the bags of the mission, of the delegation or of the observer delegation in transit the same inviolability, and protection as the host State is bound to accord under the present Convention.
5. The obligations of third States under paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this article shall also apply to the persons mentioned respectively in those paragraphs, and to the official communications and bags of the mission, of the delegation or of the observer delegation when they are present in the territory of the third State owing to force majeure.
Article 82
Non-recognition of States or governments or absence of diplomatic or consular relations
1. The rights and obligations of the host State and of the sending State under the present Convention shall be affected neither by, the non-recognition by one of those States of the other State or of its government nor by the non-existence or the severance of diplomatic or consular relations between them.
2. The establishment or maintenance of a mission, the sending or attendance of a delegation or of an observer delegation or any act in application of the present Convention shall not by itself imply recognition by the sending State of the host State or its government or by the host State of the sending State or its government.
Article 83
In the application of the provisions of the present Convention no discrimination shall be made as between States.
Article 84
If a dispute between two or more States Parties arises out of the application or interpretation of the present Convention, consultations between them shall be held upon the request of any of them. At the request of any of the parties to the dispute, the Organization or the conference shall be invited to join in the consultations.
Article 85
1. If the dispute is not disposed of as a result of the consultations referred to in article 84 within one month from the date of their inception, any State participating in the consultations may bring the dispute before a conciliation commission constituted in accordance with the provisions of this article by giving written notice to the Organization and to the other States participating in the consultations.
2. Each conciliation commission shall be composed of three members: two members who shall be appointed respectively by each of the parties to the dispute, and a Chairman appointed in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article. Each State Party to the present Convention shall designate in advance a person to serve as a member of such a commission. It shall notify the designation to the Organization, which shall maintain a register of persons so designated. If it does not make the designation in advance, it may do so during the conciliation procedure up to the moment at which the Commission begins to draft the report which it is to prepare in accordance with paragraph 7 of this article.
3. The Chairman of the Commission shall be chosen by the other two members. If the other two members are unable to agree within one month from the notice referred to in paragraph l of this article or if one of the parties to the dispute has not availed itself of its right to designate a member of the Commission, the Chairman shall be designated at the request of one of the parties to the dispute by the chief administrative officer of the Organization. The appointment shall be made within a period of one month from such request. The chief administrative officer of the Organization shall appoint as the Chairman a qualified jurist who is neither an official of the Organization nor a national of any State party to the dispute.
4. Any vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribed for the initial appointment.
5. The Commission shall function as soon as the Chairman has been appointed even if its composition is incomplete.
6. The Commission shall establish its own rules of procedure and shall reach its decisions and recommendations by a majority vote. It may recommend to the Organization, if the Organization is so authorized in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, to request an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice regarding the application or interpretation of the present Convention.
7. If the Commission is unable to obtain an agreement among the parties to the dispute on a settlement of the dispute within two months from the appointment of its Chairman, it shall prepare as soon as possible-a report of its proceedings, and transmit it to the parties to the dispute. The report shall include the Commission's conclusions upon the facts and questions of law and the recommendations which it has submitted to the parties to the dispute in order to facilitate a settlement of the dispute. The two months time limit may be extended by decision of the Commission. The recommendations in the report of the Commission shall not be binding on the parties to the dispute unless all the parties to the dispute have accepted them. Nevertheless, any party to the dispute may declare unilaterally that it will abide by the recommendations in the report so far as it is concerned.
8. Nothing in the preceding paragraphs of this article shall preclude the establishment of any other appropriate procedure for the settlement of disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of the present Convention or the conclusion of any agreement between the parties to the dispute to submit the dispute to a procedure instituted in the Organization or to any other procedure.
9. This article is without prejudice to provisions concerning the settlement of disputes contained in international agreements in force between States or between States and international organizations.
Article 86
The present Convention shall be open for signature by all States until 30 September 1975at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria and subsequently, until 30 March 1976, at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Article 87
The present Convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Article 88
The present Convention shall remain open for accession by any State. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Article 89
Entry into force
1. The present Convention shall .enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of deposit of the thirty-fifth instrument of ratification or accession.
2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit of the thirty-fifth instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the deposit by such State of its instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 90
Implementation by organizations
After the entry into force of the present Convention, the competent organ of an international organization of a universal character may adopt a decision to implement the relevant provisions of the Convention. The Organization shall communicate the decision to the host State and to the depositary of the Convention.