General presentation
The research team
General presentation
The actions carried out by the cameroon
Digital collection contain
Bilateral Treaties
Entry in force of a treaty
Insertion of treaties in domestic legal order
Internal process of ratification
Publication and obligation to apply
The research team
Conventions with universal character
Regional conventions
Subregional conventions
Bilateral Treaties
Statements of foreign policies
Head of State Spechees
Plenipotentiaries of Cameroon Spechees
Texts of the international conventions signed, approved and ratified by Cameroon applicable to the African Region
Regional conventions
Texts of the international conventions signed, approved and ratified by Cameroon applicable to the African Region
Regional Cooperation
Education, Science and Culture
Regional Cooperation
Human Rights
Peace and Security
Settlement of Disputes
Constitutive Act of the African Union
Uniform act relating to general commercial law
Uniform Act on Arbitration
Uniform act relating to commercial companies and economic interest groups
Uniform act organizing securities
Uniform Act Organizing and Harmonizing Undertakings' Accounting System in the Signatories States to the Treaty on the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa
Uniform Act Organizing Simplified Recovery Procedures and Measures of Execution
Uniform act on insolvency law
Uniform act relating to cooperative societies
United African Organization Charter
General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Organization of the African Unity
Inter-African convention establishing an African technical cooperation program
Protocol on Amendments to the Constitutive Act of the African Union
Treaty Related to the Revisions to the Treaty on the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa
Treaty on the Harmonisation of the Business Law in Africa
Agreement Revising the Bangui Agreement of March 2, 1977, on the Creation of an African Intellectual Property Organization
Regulations Under the Agreement Revising the Bangui Agreement of March 2, 1977 on the Creation of an African Intellectual Property Organization (of February 24, 1999)
Statute of the African Union Commission on international Law